The Bugs Hotel Animated TV Show
'Bugs Hotel' is centered around a delightful caterpillar family that runs a hotel for bugs.
Each episode features a different guest insect from across the world.
11 x 52 / 2 years - 7 years
Ep 01: 'Grand Opening'
The caterpillar family are way behind on the opening ! There's still so much to do!
As the family rushes to get the hotel ready, a guest arrives a day early....and he's from New Zealand!
He's a ‘Weta’ bug called Dunc. The family offer Dunc a bed, and he happily helps move furniture around .
However mid way through the day he's nowhere to be found.
Pia and her family search the hotel for Dunc, to discover he has fallen asleep under a sofa!
Pia is confused as how anyone could sleep with some much noise going on. They decide to wake him , but all the shouting and banging has no effect!
Pia consults her 'ipad' for information on the Weta bug....
They realise that it's ears are in its knees! TRUE FACT!
The family members each take a leg and yell into Dunc's knees!
Fully awake...a disoriented Dunc apologies…The jet lag had finally caught with him!